Friday, December 18, 2009


Key Points

  • Colour refers to a diamond's lack of colour, grading the whiteness of a diamond.

  • A colour grade of D is the highest possible, while Z is the lowest.

  • Blue Nile only sells diamonds with a colour grade of J or higher.

Colour manifests itself in a diamond as a pale yellow. This is why a diamond's colour grade is based on its lack of colour. The less colour a diamond has, the higher its colour grade. After cut, colour is generally considered the second most important characteristic when selecting a diamond. This is because the human eye tends to detect a diamond's sparkle first, and colour second.At Blue Nile, you'll find only the finest diamonds with colour graded D-J. Diamonds graded J or better are colourless or near-colourless, with colour that is typically undetectable to the unaided eye.

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